RPC Interface


The RPC Interface represents the remote procedure call interface used in the DCE/RPC session.



Caption Name Type Is Array Default Description
Acknowledgement Reason ack_reason Integer An integer that provides a reason code or additional information about the acknowledgment result.
Acknowledgement Result ack_result Integer An integer that denotes the acknowledgment result of the DCE/RPC call.
Raw Data raw_data JSON The event data as received from the event source.
Record ID record_id String Unique identifier for the object
Unmapped Data unmapped Unmapped The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source.
UUID uuid UUID The unique identifier of the particular remote procedure or service.
Version version String The version of the DCE/RPC protocol being used in the session.


Referenced By


RPC Interface


  "caption": "RPC Interface",
  "name": "rpc_interface",
  "description": "The RPC Interface represents the remote procedure call interface used in the DCE/RPC session.",
  "extends": "object",
  "attributes": {
    "ack_reason": {
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "caption": "Acknowledgement Reason",
      "description": "An integer that provides a reason code or additional information about the acknowledgment result.",
      "type": "integer_t"
    "ack_result": {
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "caption": "Acknowledgement Result",
      "description": "An integer that denotes the acknowledgment result of the DCE/RPC call.",
      "type": "integer_t"
    "uuid": {
      "description": "The unique identifier of the particular remote procedure or service.",
      "requirement": "required",
      "caption": "UUID",
      "type": "uuid_t"
    "version": {
      "description": "The version of the DCE/RPC protocol being used in the session.",
      "requirement": "required",
      "caption": "Version",
      "type": "string_t"
    "raw_data": {
      "group": "context",
      "caption": "Raw Data",
      "description": "The event data as received from the event source.",
      "type": "json_t"
    "record_id": {
      "description": "Unique identifier for the object",
      "group": "primary",
      "requirement": "required",
      "caption": "Record ID",
      "type": "string_t"
    "unmapped": {
      "caption": "Unmapped Data",
      "description": "The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source.",
      "type": "unmapped",
      "is_array": true