
The resources of a WHOIS record for a given domain. This can include domain names, IP address blocks, autonomous system information, and/or contact and registration information for a domain.



Caption Name Type Is Array Default Description
Autonomous System autonomous_system Autonomous System The autonomous system information associated with a domain.
Registered At created_time Timestamp When the domain was registered or WHOIS entry was created.
DNSSEC Status dnssec_status String The normalized value of dnssec_status_id.
DNSSEC Status ID dnssec_status_id Integer Describes the normalized status of DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for a domain.
Domain domain String The name of the domain.
Domain Contacts domain_contacts Domain Contact An array of Domain Contact objects.
Registrar Abuse Email Address email_addr Email Address The email address for the registrar's abuse contact
Last Updated At last_seen_time Timestamp When the WHOIS record was last updated or seen at.
Name Servers name_servers String A collection of name servers related to a domain registration or other record.
Registrar Abuse Phone Number phone_number String The phone number for the registrar's abuse contact
Raw Data raw_data JSON The event data as received from the event source.
Record ID record_id String Unique identifier for the object
Domain Registrar registrar String The domain registrar.
Domain Status status String The status of a domain and its ability to be transferred, e.g., clientTransferProhibited.
Subdomains subdomains String An array of subdomain strings. Can be used to collect several subdomains such as those from Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs).
Subnet Block subnet Subnet The IP address block (CIDR) associated with a domain.
Unmapped Data unmapped Unmapped The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source.

Referenced By




  "caption": "WHOIS",
  "description": "The resources of a WHOIS record for a given domain. This can include domain names, IP address blocks, autonomous system information, and/or contact and registration information for a domain.",
  "extends": "object",
  "name": "whois",
  "attributes": {
    "autonomous_system": {
      "description": "The autonomous system information associated with a domain.",
      "requirement": "optional",
      "caption": "Autonomous System",
      "type": "autonomous_system"
    "domain_contacts": {
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "caption": "Domain Contacts",
      "description": "An array of <code>Domain Contact</code> objects.",
      "is_array": true,
      "type": "domain_contact"
    "created_time": {
      "caption": "Registered At",
      "description": "When the domain was registered or WHOIS entry was created.",
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "type": "timestamp_t"
    "dnssec_status_id": {
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "caption": "DNSSEC Status ID",
      "description": "Describes the normalized status of DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for a domain.",
      "enum": {
        "0": {
          "caption": "Unknown",
          "description": "The disposition is unknown."
        "1": {
          "caption": "Signed",
          "description": "The related domain enables the signing of DNS records using DNSSEC."
        "2": {
          "caption": "Unsigned",
          "description": "The related domain does not enable the signing of DNS records using DNSSEC."
        "99": {
          "caption": "Other",
          "description": "The DNSSEC status is not mapped. See the <code>dnssec_status</code> attribute, which contains a data source specific value."
      "sibling": "dnssec_status",
      "type": "integer_t"
    "dnssec_status": {
      "requirement": "optional",
      "caption": "DNSSEC Status",
      "description": "The normalized value of dnssec_status_id.",
      "type": "string_t"
    "domain": {
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "caption": "Domain",
      "description": "The name of the domain.",
      "type": "string_t"
    "email_addr": {
      "caption": "Registrar Abuse Email Address",
      "description": "The email address for the registrar's abuse contact",
      "requirement": "optional",
      "type": "email_t"
    "last_seen_time": {
      "caption": "Last Updated At",
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "description": "When the WHOIS record was last updated or seen at.",
      "type": "timestamp_t"
    "name_servers": {
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "caption": "Name Servers",
      "description": "A collection of name servers related to a domain registration or other record.",
      "is_array": true,
      "type": "string_t"
    "phone_number": {
      "caption": "Registrar Abuse Phone Number",
      "description": "The phone number for the registrar's abuse contact",
      "requirement": "optional",
      "type": "string_t"
    "registrar": {
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "caption": "Domain Registrar",
      "description": "The domain registrar.",
      "type": "string_t"
    "status": {
      "caption": "Domain Status",
      "description": "The status of a domain and its ability to be transferred, e.g., <code>clientTransferProhibited</code>.",
      "requirement": "recommended",
      "type": "string_t"
    "subdomains": {
      "requirement": "optional",
      "caption": "Subdomains",
      "description": "An array of subdomain strings. Can be used to collect several subdomains such as those from Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs).",
      "is_array": true,
      "type": "string_t"
    "subnet": {
      "caption": "Subnet Block",
      "description": "The IP address block (CIDR) associated with a domain.",
      "requirement": "optional",
      "type": "subnet_t"
    "raw_data": {
      "group": "context",
      "caption": "Raw Data",
      "description": "The event data as received from the event source.",
      "type": "json_t"
    "record_id": {
      "description": "Unique identifier for the object",
      "group": "primary",
      "requirement": "required",
      "caption": "Record ID",
      "type": "string_t"
    "unmapped": {
      "caption": "Unmapped Data",
      "description": "The attributes that are not mapped to the event schema. The names and values of those attributes are specific to the event source.",
      "type": "unmapped",
      "is_array": true